Extends: Node2D
A Wall is a Dungeondraft asset instance of what the user sees as a wall from the WallTool. See Asset Instance.
Rect2 | GlobalRect |
Vector2[] | Points |
Texture | Texture |
Texture | EndTexture |
Color | Color |
int | Type |
int | Joint |
bool | NormalizeUV |
bool | Loop |
bool | HasShadow |
Line2D[] | lines |
LightOccluder2D[] | occluders |
Node2D | shadows |
Level | Level |
Portal[] | Portals |
Dictionary | Save ( bool copy = false ) |
void | Load ( Dictionary data ) |
void | RemakeLinesWhenAllPortalsReady ( ) |
void | Clear ( ) |
void | Set ( Vector2[] points, Texture texture, Color color, bool loop = true, bool shadow = true, int type = 0, int joint = 1, bool normalizeUV = true ) |
void | Offset ( Vector2 offset ) |
void | UpdateTexture ( Texture texture ) |
void | SetColor ( Color color ) |
Portal | AddPortal ( Texture texture, bool closed, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, int pointIndex, float radius, bool flip ) |
void | InsertPortal ( Portal portal, bool remakeLines ) |
void | RemovePortal ( Portal portal ) |
void | InsertPoint ( int index, Vector2 point ) |
void | DeletePoint ( int index ) |
void | ModifyPoint ( int index, Vector2 point ) |
void | RemakeLines ( ) |
bool | IsMouseWithin ( ) |
Property Descriptions
- Rect2 GlobalRect:
The global Rect2 enclosing the Roof. DO NOT MODIFY.
- Vector2[] Points:
Gets the wall points.
- Texture Texture:
Gets the wall end texture. Do not modify. Use UpdateTexture() to modify.
- Texture EndTexture:
Gets the wall end texture. Do not modify.
- Color Color:
Gets the wall joint type. Use Set() to modify. Use SetColor() to modify.
- int Type:
Gets the wall type. Use Set() to modify. 0 = Auto, 1 = Manual, 2 = Cave. Determines usage.
- int Joint:
Gets the wall joint type. Use Set() to modify. 0 = Sharp, 1 = Bevel, and 2 = Round.
- bool NormalizeUV:
Gets or sets if this wall uses normalized UV for the texture. Use Set() to modify.
- bool Loop:
Gets or sets if this wall loops. Use Set() to modify.
- bool HasShadow:
Gets or sets if this wall has shadows.
- Line2D[] lines:
Array of Line2D that visually displays the Wall.
- LightOccluder2D[] occluders:
Reference to the light blockers associated with this wall. Cannot add directly.
- Node2D shadows:
Reference to the shadows associated with this Wall.
- Level Level:
Reference to the Level in which this Wall is placed.
- Portal[] Portals:
Return an Array of all the Portals. Cannot add directly.
Method Descriptions
- Dictionary Save ( bool copy = false ):
Save the Wall into the save file format and return it as a Dictionary. The param copy is only used by copy-pasting feature of Dungeondraft.
- void Load ( Dictionary data ):
Load a saved Wall data. Used by a saved map file to load existing walls.
- void RemakeLinesWhenAllPortalsReady ( ):
Called by Dungeondraft to remake walls when Portals are modified.
- void Clear ( ):
Deletes all information inside the wall. Only use preceding a full deletion of the Wall
- void Set ( Vector2[] points, Texture texture, Color color, bool loop = true, bool shadow = true, int type = 0, int joint = 1, bool normalizeUV = true ):
Initialize and set options for the wall. Type is the type of wall. Valid options are: 0 = Auto, 1 = Manual, 2 = Cave. Auto is from Floor Shape Tool, Manual is from Wall Tool, and 2 is from Cave Tool. Joint parameter valid options are: 0 = Sharp, 1 = Bevel, and 2 = Round.
- void Offset ( Vector2 offset ):
Move all the points and portals of this wall by the offset. Recreates visuals.
- void UpdateTexture ( Texture texture ):
Change the wall texture.
- Portal AddPortal ( Texture texture, bool closed, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, int pointIndex, float radius, bool flip ):
Creates a new Portal along the wall. Position is in local space to the Wall. PointIndex is the index of the wall's point just before the Portal placement.
- void InsertPortal ( Portal portal, bool remakeLines ):
Insert a Portal onto this Wall manually. Proceed with caution.
- void RemovePortal ( Portal portal ):
Delete a Portal from this wall.
- void InsertPoint ( int index, Vector2 point ):
Add a point onto the wall. Index is the point preceding the segment where you want to add a point.
- void DeletePoint ( int index ):
Delete a point from this wall.
- void ModifyPoint ( int index, Vector2 point ):
Change the position of a point along this wall.
- void RemakeLines ( ):
Call to refresh visuals after a change if not done automatically by Dungeondraft.
- bool IsMouseWithin ( ):
Checks if the mouse cursor is over the wall. Only used by the SelectTool.